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[!--spBname--] WN020 Baby Breastfeeding PacifierMain Picture 1 WN020 Baby Breastfeeding PacifierMain Picture 2 WN020 Baby Breastfeeding PacifierMain Picture 3 WN020 Baby Breastfeeding PacifierMain Picture 4

WN020 Baby Breastfeeding Pacifier

Anti-flatulence, material from Germany

Color:  silicone nipple

silicone nipple      
Healthy, non-toxic, breastfed imitation design

Pure transparent pacifier is made of edible medical-grade silicone imported from Germany, which is very healthy, free of bisphenol A, resistant to high temperature up to 120℃, can be sterilized by high temperature, and it can be used safely and bite by babies.The appearance design of the pacifier imitates brestfed shape, making it easier for the baby to adapt to sucking without worrying about rejection.

It is suitable for newborn babies between 0 and 2 years old.

1. Medical grade silicone material imported from Germany, without bisphenol A, safe, non-toxic and odorless;
2. The nipple is soft, protecting the baby's delicate gums, and giving the baby a comfortable sucking experience;
3. The physical anti-flatulence valve design, effectively preventing the baby Snoring and flatulence;
4. Imitated breastfed nipple texture design,reduce the baby's rejection of the bottlefed;
5. Petal-shaped bump design on the nipple head can effectively clean the tongue coating

Anti-flatulence air conduction system
Physical anti-flatulence design specially developed for baby, one-way air inlet setting, reduce air entering and feeding
into the bottom of bottle by automatic straw, effectively reduce baby's intake of excessive air causing flatulence
when drinking milk, and lock up the milk nutrition.

Functional advantages
Suck: It is convenient for breastfeeding and bottle feeding interactively.
Native pacifier: Sucking, soft, flexible pacifier, anti-flatulence
valve: anti-flatulence system with air hole.

Main material
Material: German imported silicone

Product model WN020 Specification One pack
Size 5cm*4.5cm Net weight 25g
Material Silicone Flow S/M/L/Cross
Caliber Wide caliber Applicable age 0~3mouyhs/3-6mouths/after 6mouths
Design features Petal - shaped, threaded,imitaete breastfed design Packing Normal boxed



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